50 People Who F***ed Up South Africa: The Lost Decade (Paperback)
To mark the tenth anniversary of the smash-hit 50 People Who Stuffed Up South Africa, the original 50 People team brings you an all-new sequel: 50 People Who F***ed Up South Africa: The Lost Decade.
As witty, enlightening and entertaining as all the franchise books, this Christmas compendium is an eye-watering indictment of our tragicomic “last lost decade”, a time of ruinous and unprecedented national decline. Whereas it took more than 350 years to come up with the list of shame for the first book, they needed just ten more for the next 50 names, from Shaun Abrahams to Zuma, Zuma and Zuma. Shot through with the architects and beneficiaries of state capture – Magashula, Mahlobo, Mahumapelo, and not forgetting the Guptas – it is also features crisp takedowns of the individuals who represent the standout scandals in this time: the like of Nkandla, Marikana, Life Esidimeni, Steinhoff, Bosasa and VBS Mutual Bank.
The end result is a readable, accessible overview of the South Africa’s recent political and socioeconomic landscape. Because sometimes humour and a clearly painted picture really is the best coping mechanism…
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