So Werk Die Natuur Eintlik (Paperback)
This book is written for all people interested in the workings of nature… and this expert author does so through his storytelling.
In this book, his narratives are captivating and challenging. He presents the hard facts of science and how the real world is structured with the charm of fantasy. Through this, the author creates a fairy-tale world for the curious reader, those interested in how things in nature work. He invites both young and old to join Tarantukan on wonderful journeys of imagination.
Tarantukan is satisfi ed that reality is as he perceives it, but sometimes he wonders whether he is in fact correct. In his fantasy world, his imagination then appears and transports him on incredible imaginative journeys.
His imagination comes in various forms – characters from mythology and folklore; scientifi c legends; ghosts, and sometimes talking animals also guide him. Each time, his subjective insights are challenged, his mind is perplexed, and thus he learns more about how nature really works.
For example, he learns about rivers that fl ow uphill, that the moon moves downwards as it rises, that he can ride a bicycle with fi shing line spokes, that sunrays do not diverge as they appear to at sunrise, that his bathroom scale lies to him, and that his two eyes do not see the same rainbow.
Then there is also the magic golden coin that always warns him when his imagination is taking hold. He only needs to rub it when he needs the wisdom of his imagination.
Come discover and enjoy together with readers of all ages!